There I was today 5/24/17, visiting 91-92 year old [he’s not sure which] Carmen Tom. He was concerned about paying the income tax on a check for a wad of money that showed up in the mail. And he dismissed an appeal from some right wing Christians wanting him to send $29.
He got an 8 month old new doggie that runs around like a streak except when sitting in Carmen’s lap. He asked about 100+ year old Lila Bulen and Fred Bare. I told him about Ron Bennett, Vern Hill & Dick Babcock.
The chick at the DMV annoyed him with a bunch of questions to find out if he should drive. One question was “Can you count to 100?” He said “I suppose, if I have to.” “Piss on it!” Anyway, he doesn’t drive anymore.
He doesn’t use his computer anymore. He says it’s all he can do just to turn it on.
Post submitted by the Great Seymour
Destiny of the man that saved the Club from extinction.