When I meet people who find out that I ride a motorcycle, I often hear… So…you ride a motorcycle, aren’t you afraid of… Getting in an accident? Falling down? Drunk drivers? What are you crazy? You could get hurt. Do you wear a helmet?, Are you in a gang? Are you in your second childhood? That’s too dangerous, why don’t you grow up.
And I say…
I ride for the freedom, for the breeze in my knees! I ride because I can and because I won’t conform! I ride for the feeling of oneness!
And so I ride…
I ride to feel the V-Twin’s awesome power vibrating below my crotch, the pistons churning, the spark of life that gives me freedom as it cycles through 4 strokes, the thunder pulsating from my exhaust. I ride because I don’t need the False safety of a cage! Or the distractions that result from its operation.
I ride with the passion that it doesn’t matter what brand you ride, if it’s a crotch rocket, cruiser, touring or dirt bike, or where it was made or if you wear a helmet, all that matters is you ride, that you are on two wheels, even three wheels! It matters that you ride ON IT, not drive IN IT.
And so I ride…
I ride on the sweat of those that rode before me. The One Percenter’s that paved the way for me to be free to ride. The MC’s and RC’s and RA’s and MM’s. The Members of ABATE and the MMA. Those that have stood for and still stand for something, because if you don’t stand, you stand for nothing at all. I ride on the memory of those that have died in the process and are now gone.
And so I ride…
I ride for the brotherhood, for the oneness with the road that it offers me and the fellowship that results! I ride because you meet the nicest people on two-wheels! People that judge less and party more!
And so I ride…
I ride one with the road, feeling the weather. Tasting the humidity, smelling the air (or that dead animal rotting away), basking in the Sun as I sit at a stoplight on top of a 200 degree motor. Shivering in the cool morning’s frost, or playfully being tossed around in the wind as it uses my windshield as a sail.
I ride with the knowledge that some bugs taste better than others and that rain drops feel like needles at 70mph.
I ride knowing that nobody can see me and that everyone is trying to kill me on the road.
I ride with the chance that at any time I could experience circumstances beyond my control.
I ride because Nobody can tell me I can’t!
And so I ride…